Toma control de tu nutrición como nunca antes


Somos nutrinertia y queremos convertirte en coach nutricional profesional

Creemos que estar sano y en forma debería ser sencillo

Con esa visión, combinamos ciencia y práctica para ofrecerte una metodología que lo haga posible

Te enseñamos a identificar lo que realmente funciona

Porque cada estilo de vida es único, te damos las herramientas para adaptar la nutrición a objetivos y necesidades individuales

Consigue resultados duraderos y sostenibles

No nos conformamos con que alcances tus objetivos: te ayudamos a mantenerlos y disfrutarlos a lo largo del tiempo

Hemos creado una certificación en coaching nutricional que cambiará tu vida y la de tu entorno para siempre.


Quiero saber más

¿Cómo lo vas a conseguir?

Kim Fit is all about getting your body moving, feeling the beat, and having fun. The more fun you have, the more motivated you will be. No matter which class you take, you can count on three things:

Form & Technique

You'll burn calories and learn fun dance techniques.

Diverse Classes

We’ll mix it up: different tools, different moves, a different pace each class.


Every class can be personalized to fit your fitness needs and restrictions. 

Membership means unlimited access


See more than one class you’d like to try? Sign up for a membership, and enjoy unlimited classes. Any class, any time, you’ll get access to them all!  

Janet Johnson

"I feel so much stronger after taking Kim's class."

Aimee Right

"Kim's classes are so much fun, I can't wait for the next one!"

Jamie Sonet

"Kim's classes helped me build confidence."

John Block

"I've always dreaded the gym, but I look forward to every one of Kim's classes."

Bridget Blue

"I was worried I wouldn't get a great workout, but I can feel the burn!"

Angie Birman

"I never thought getting fit could be so fun! Kim is great at what she does."

Have fun and get fit, even if the gym isn't your thing 


You don't have to be a fitness enthusiast to come groove with us. Kim Fit is all about getting your body moving, not having perfect form. Join me to let loose, learn some new moves, and live fit. 

See Virtual Classes